Student Activity Report

SUN Jingyi(Graduate School of Environmental Studies)
SUN Jingyi(Graduate School of Environmental Studies)
 From September 6, 2023, to April 10, 2024, I participated in a seven-month visiting research program at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in Berkeley, California. Berkeley is a lively university town, home to the University of California, Berkeley. It has a strong academic atmosphere and a mix of cultures. The town is filled with restaurants, cafes, and bookstores, making life enjoyable. I loved walking in the Berkeley Hills after work, enjoying the beautiful views of the Bay Area.
 At LBNL, I participated in several geophysical research projects, primarily focusing on single-station seismic localization and low-frequency earthquake detection. These projects enhanced my theoretical knowledge and allowed me to master advanced software tools such as the SW4 seismic simulation software and the CCT magnitude estimate software. Throughout the research process, I had many helpful discussions with my colleagues, whose creative suggestions and technical guidance were crucial to my work. I also attended the American Geophysical Union (AGU23) conference in San Francisco, where I presented my research and interacted with many outstanding scholars and friends.
 In addition to my lab work, I participated in field experiments at the Milford Experimental Site in Utah. Together with lab members, we deployed 500 geophones on-site and conducted data collection and analysis. We faced challenges such as no signal response from some geophones and difficulties in deployment due to the rock strata at specific locations. Through discussions, we resolved these issues. I also gained detailed knowledge about deploying three-component geophones. This experience improved my practical skills and deepened my understanding of seismic data collection and processing.
 Despite my busy research schedule, I found time to visit famous places in California, such as the Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman’s Wharf, and Santa Monica Pier. My time in California was both a great learning experience and full of unforgettable memories.
OSANAI Shiori ( Graduate School of International Cultural Studies)
小山内 詩織 (国際文化研究科 国際政治経済論講座:D3)



 7月4日は、韓国における持続可能な開発のための教育:ESDの実施状況やその内容について知るために、統営市のRegional Centre of Expertise:RCEを訪問しました。Leeチーム長への事前調査の内容をベースとしたフォローアップクエスチョンを中心に、韓国のESD実施状況やその内容を詳しく教えていただきました。日本と韓国の地方創生政策や教育政策については様々な文献調査を行ってきましたが、実際に地域ベースの人材育成を行っている施設を見学できたことで、より実態を身近に感じることが出来ました。

GUO Guangze(Graduate School of Environmental Studies)
郭 広澤(先端環境創成学専攻:D3)Tsinghua University, China
 I came to study at the School of Environment at Tsinghua University for a three-month doctoral research residency under the GP-RSS program. During this exchange period, I actively participated in the group seminars of Professor Huang’s research laboratory, where I presented my research on enhancing methane production and nutrient removal by integrating a high-solid AnMBR and a one-stage PNA process to treat concentrated organic sludge. This presentation led to fruitful discussions and valuable feedback from my peers and professors.
Additionally, I had the opportunity to visit the pilot plant of an AnMBR coupled with a low-cost nitrogen removal method for municipal wastewater treatment. During this visit, I exchanged ideas with the students operating the pilot plant regarding the process, reactor design, and treatment effectiveness. This hands-on experience and interaction deepened my understanding of the practical applications of my research.
 As the top university in China, Tsinghua University offers the most advanced research facilities and experimental conditions. It is a great honor to study at this prestigious institution, and I am deeply grateful for the support from Tohoku University's advanced graduate school that made this possible. Moreover, autumn is the best season to explore Beijing. I took the opportunity to visit several famous tourist sites and enjoyed the delicious local cuisine. This cultural immersion added a rich dimension to my academic experience, making my stay in Beijing both educational and enjoyable.
KONDO Monami(Graduate School of Environmental Studies)
近藤 萌波(環境科学研究科 先進社会環境学専攻)Imperial College London, United Kingdom

 私は2022年2月から6月の期間に英国Imperial College Londonでお世話になりました。在籍していたRoyal School of Minesは18世紀からずっと変わらない風格ある立派な建物の中にありました。ロンドンでは地震はほとんど発生しないため古くからの建物を塗り直して使い続けており,教授の部屋には戸棚の上や天井近く,日本ではまず考えられない高さにまで植物の鉢植えが置いてあり,渡航初日にとても驚きました。お世話になった研究室では,土壌中の重金属分布とリスク管理などの調査をしている他に,最近はCO2の地下貯留に関する実験やシミュレーションを実施しており,私が在籍していた研究室(旧:駒井・渡邉研究室)の体制に非常に似ていたため,さまざまな興味を掻き立てられ,在籍学生と話すことがとても楽しかったです。私が居た学生部屋には70人程度のデスクが並んでおり,ほとんどの学生は英国籍ではなく世界各国から集まった人々でほとんどの割合を占めており,独特な雰囲気があったと思います。たまにケーキやクッキーを分けてくれたり,日本人は珍しいと交流の輪を広げてくれたりなど,親切にしていただきました。2022年の6月初週にはエリザベス女王の即位70周年を祝うplatinum jubileeが開催され,ロンドンではどこもかしこも祝福ムードで賑やかで,女王が国籍に関係なく世界中の人々に愛されていることを目の当たりにし,このタイミングに滞在できたことは非常にラッキーでした。
 研究内容としては,私は土壌からの水銀放出量のデータの解釈に関してさまざまな統計解析手法を組み合わせた理解と議論を重ね,放出メカニズムの解明を目指しました。帰国後もオンライン会議を実施し,本成果として国際共著論文をJournal of Environmental Management誌に掲載することができました。旅費などに関してご支援いただきました国際共同大学院プログラムの皆様,本誌のオープンアクセス支援をいただきました附属図書館の皆様,諸々のご支援をいただきました渡邉研究室,環境科学研究科の皆様に御礼申し上げます。

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